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Estamos trabajando para que quienes lo deseen puedan postular sus gatos al ranking internacional, esta es una opción personal y no está relacionada con el ranking nacional.
Por ahora les entregaremos la normativa de WCF para participar en esto. La traducción se hará en los próximos días.

La puntuación nacional es diferente, por ahora, a la internacional.

El ranking Internacional va desde el 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de cada año.
Nuestro ranking, por ahora, hasta hacer los ajustes necesarios para igualarlo al internacional, parte el 1 de agosto y termina el 31 de julio del año siguiente.

A partir del show realizado en mayo del 2016, entregaremos los dos puntajes.
Hay algunos temas que organizar con WCF y que esperamos que durante este año queden claros (faltan acuerdos de la Asamblea General, de la cual somos full members, para aceptar algunas regulaciones al respecto).


Point system for Best Cat of the WCF
Best Cat exists for adults, neuters, kittens and household pets.

This contest is open only for exhibitors, which are a member of a WCF-member-club.

Show season is from 1.1. to 31.12. of the appropriate year. The final results of the preceding year will be published
until the 1st april of the following year. Interim results will be published monthly.

A gala dinner will be organized in connection with the WCF-Olympia-exhibition latest until end of March of the following year, 
where the winners will receive their prizes. No other show will be licensed in WCF on this weekend. 1-15 place for adults, 
1-15 place for adults, 1-15 place for kittens, 1-10 place for neuters, 1-10 place veterans, 1-10 place for household pets. Each member-club may apply for this gala-dinner and exhibition, which will be also indicated in the show calendar.

If a cat wants to participate in the Best Cat, the organizing club has only to fill out the online form. If exhibitors want to
participate in this contest, they have to announce that to the organizer and have to proof their membership in a WCF club. 
Thus you do not need to send the catalogues and result lists, because the club confirms the title and place in a WCF-ring /
Master-ring, as soon as the club submits this online form.

Household pets LH and SH compete together in this contest for Best Household Pet.

Only the Top 24 daily results of Cats, Neuters and Household Pets will be counted. Only the Top 14 daily results of Kittens 
will be counted.

The daily result is the sum of points a cat earns in traditional judging, by taking part in a WCF-Ring, the Placement in a WCF
-Ring and the number of beaten cats in a WCF-Ring.

The results of a cat of the first six months of the year must be reported until September 30,, otherwise the results will not 
be scored.

The results of a cat for the shows held from July 1 to September 30 must be reported until October 31, otherwise the results 
will not be scored.

The results of a cat for the shows held from October 1 to December 31 must be reported until January 15 of the next year, otherwise the results will not be scored.

10 EX1
Babies, kittens 3-6 months, kittens 6-10 months
35 EP
10 Best in Varietät
10 Bester Veteran
10 BOB
5 Nomination, BIS
The cat receives 5 points for nomination.
The cat receives another 5 points, if it won the BIS.
25 1st place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring
When the cat participates in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring - adults, neuters, kittens, the cat will receive 25 points for the 
1st place. Additionally to the points for the participation.
20 2nd place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring
The cat receives 20 points for the 2nd place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring. Additionally to the points for the participation.
15 3rd place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring
The cat receives 15 points for the 3rd place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring. Additionally to the points for the participation.
1-7 4th-10th place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring
The cat receives 7 points for the 4th place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring.
The cat receives 6 points for the 5th place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring.
The cat receives 5 points for the 6th place in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring.
etc. Additionally to the points for the participation.
20 Participation in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring / WCF-Olimpiaring
Each cat participating in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring / WCF-Olimpiaring receives 20 points.

Number of 
beaten cats Ranking in a WCF-Ring / WCF-Masterring in proportion to the total number of participating cats
The first 10 cats, which are ranked, will receive additional points, how many cats they have defeated.

40 cats participate in a WCF-Ring.
The 1st place receives 39 points.
The 2nd place receives 38 points.
The 3rd place receives 37 points.

Point score for the Olimpia Rings: 
1. Place 100 Points 
2. Place 50 Points 
3. Place 25 Points 
4. Place 15 Points 
5. to 16. Place 5 Points
(Due to the Semifinals, 16 places will be scored with points)

Each participant receives 100 points for the competition Best Cat of WCF. The First place receives 100 points, the second place 50 points and the third place 25 points additional to the points received analogue to the WCF rings.

25 Best Household pet
10 Nomination-Household pet
The cat receives 10 points for nomination.

Number of beaten
household pets Each nominated household pet will receive the following points:
number of beaten cats * 10

Bonus-points In specially indicated exhibitions, which will be announced in the show calendar, the cat may receive bonus-points.
Exhibitions in far or isolated cities 
Exhibitions in so called developing areas 
The bonus-points will be displayed in the show calendar. 
The points gained in WCF- Jubilee shows, which were announced to the board, will be counted double 
The points gained in WCF-Worldshows will be counted double The points gained in WCF Olimpia, will be counted triple

Best of Breed The best placed cat of each breed will be Best of Breed.
For each breed there will exist in general: Best of Breed, 2nd Best of Breed and 3rd Best of Breed.

Continental Winner, 
Regional Winner,
National Winner 
There will be awarded also the titles Continental Winner, Regional Winner of each continental area or the country 
(when the country is divided in regions), National Winner.


Please note: The region/continent of the owner of the cat is taken for these titles. Regardless where (=in which 
region/continent) the owner exhibits his cat, all show results of his cat are counted!

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